The Movie Database

TMDB is a community produced, publicly available data store for movies, television and other video. We at Four Star are proud to support and publicize this "open-source" effort.

We strongly encourage you, our customers, as fans of movies and video, to explore and use TMDB and thereby also support them. This data store was created by people like you for people like you. With a user account, you can edit and improve this data store yourself, making it more useful for yourself and everyone else.

In the future, we at Four Star plan to integrate the data available from TMDB more fully with our services to you, our customers, so that we can responsibly give back to this effort which generously gives to the internet community at large and the movie fan community in particular.

Links of note:

Sign up for a user account:
User account FAQ:
Applications that use TMDB and which you can use to manage your movie collection and meta-data:
Editing data in TMDB: